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How are the schedules and calendars operated in Power Homeschool?

13 August 2021, 16:23

Because attendance is completely up to the parents, students will never be marked as tardy or absent.  The system will keep track of when the student signs into the program as well as what work they complete. Parents will always have final say on which days students will work.  Attendance does not affect a student’s grade so breaks do not need to be entered into the Acellus system. If a student takes a holiday, they will not be marked as absent 

The calendar is operated by the Power Homeschool staff and changes made to it will be available to view for all students across the platform. 

Students that are transferring mid-year from another school can often catch-up and complete their coursework on a typical academic timeline.  The system is able to identify which concepts a student has mastered and will quickly move through those sections.  Since Power Homeschool does not employ a rigid academic calendar, students can also work into the summer at the discretion of the parent.

how are the schedules and calendars operated - 1.PNG

Edits to this post:

28 August 2021, 16:50

Can parents mark excused, No school or Holiday? If so, how?

01 September 2021, 9:46

PHS Logo.png.16

Thank you for your question! 

Attendance cannot be updated manually. The system will keep track of when students logs into work on their courses. To view how much time your student spent in a course, you may select the student hours icon next to the Attendance icon. We do not mark students absent or tardy in Power Homeschool.


Anna Harris's profile picture
Posts: 1

07 September 2021, 14:28

Can things be adjusted automatically for holidays? Or do we need to go in and adjust steps per week for that each holiday? How does that work over christmas and extended holidays? 


08 September 2021, 9:43


Thank you for your question.

Because attendance is completely up to the parents, students will never be marked as tardy or absent.  The system will keep track of when the student signs into the program as well as what work they complete. Parents will always have final say on which days students will work.  Attendance does not affect a student’s grade, so breaks or holidays do not need to be entered into the Acellus system. If a student takes a holiday, they will not be marked as absent.

For the weekly goal, some parents will have the student do extra on the remaining days to catch up.  Others will just have the student ignore the Friday goal.  It is up to you.

Starting next Monday, the weekly goals will restart with a fresh set of goals for your student.


14 October 2021, 12:16

How do we add the hours spent doing the Special Lessons? Many of them require writing and work that is done when not logged in.

Also would be nice to add the hours spent reading.

17 December 2021, 14:52

Time spent working in the system on the Special Lessons, will be included on the 'Student Hours' report.  There is not a way to input additional time spent outside of the program into the system.  However, some parents will track additional hours spent outside of the program manually for their records.

Students are advanced through grade levels based on their concept mastery rather than based on the amount of time that they spend. The courses are self-paced, so students are able to move through the course material at their own pace depending on how quickly they pick up the concepts. They have a set number of steps to complete before a course is considered finished.  Once a course is complete, the student is welcome to move onto the next grade level in that subject area.

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