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How can I adjust my student’s courses?

13 August 2021, 17:42

Parents are able to adjust the courses for their student at any time. Students are also able to take courses in more than one grade level if necessary. You can achieve this by completing the following steps: 

  1. Launch the Acellus App
  2. Sign in as a parent; 
  3. Select ‘Manage Account’; how can i adjust - 1.PNG.2
  4. Click on the 'edit' button by your student’s name; how can i adjust - 2.PNG.3
  5. Change the courses as desired; 
  6. Click on the 'save' button by your student’s name. how can i adjust - 3.PNG.2

Each course typically begins with a pre-test. This diagnostic can help you gauge the student’s understanding of the material covered within the course to help ensure you are placing them at the right level.

Edits to this post:

02 November 2021, 19:35

I am able to log in on the parent side, but I can't use the manage account button, it won't let me do anything. What have I don't wrong?

08 November 2021, 15:56

Hello Jennifer,

That is a great question. 

Have you tried contacting Power Homeschool Services to see if they can further assist you with getting you signed in and managing your students account?

Power Homeschool's website is and they also have a live chat feature that may be useful.


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