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Why is my student's transcript blank?

17 August 2021, 14:19

Parents can request a transcript via Acellus app by  logging in to their parents account. The transcript will list the courses in the semester your student completed. If your student is still working on a class and still hasn't completed, the transcript will show blank. 

If you are wanting a grade report before the course is completed,  you  can print a report card through the parent interface. You will want to do this before your account become inactive.


To print a report card, you must first sign into your parent account. Once signed in, select a student from the list.



Click on the score icon from the menu at the top of the page.



Parents have the option to select the grading period to appear on your student’s report card. Coursework completed between July-December is displayed as Semester 1 and coursework completed between January-June is displayed as Semester 2.

Before you print the report card, make sure the grading period is set to “all work,” in order to get the current grade and progress for each subject.



Next, at the bottom of the left-hand side of the screen, select the “Print Report Card” button.


1 result