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How can I adjust my student's courses?

14 December 2022, 10:47

Yes, STEM classes can be used as electives towards either graduation pathway.

17 January 2023, 15:12

This isnt what my interface looks like AT ALL

Ive attached pictures of what this looks like for me. 

  1. I click on Manage Account as you direct me to do, and I see image attached: IMG_8748.jpg which shows both students. At the top right of each student is the small lettering: edit 
  2. I choose Edit and see image attached: IMG_8749.jpg which shows the individual courses and lists weekly goals. I can remove classes by selectin (none) and I can add a class by selecting a course but there are no option to view any details within the specific course. 
  3. If I go back to student management and instead select my student and then syllabus, I see image attached: IMG_8751.jpg

I have tried to click through EVERY option and menu that exists.  I do not see ANYWHERE to edit course sections. Please advise ASAP! 

  • IMG_8749.jpg.1
  • IMG_8751.jpg.1
  • IMG_8748.jpg

20 January 2023, 8:29

It looks like your students are enrolled in Power Homeschool Services. This is the the SchoolParent website for Acellus Academy, the accredited online private school.

Here is the SchoolParents site for Power Homeschool parents:

Here is also their Contact Support Page if needed: 



Cheryl Garrou's profile picture
Posts: 1

15 April 2024, 16:31

I see how to drop a class. Are you able to do that if your child is 75% complete and it's an elective? She doesn't like the class and doesn't understand it. Also, are electives a MUST in Junior High...since they are all coding?

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