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How do I know where I'm at in my courses?

01 October 2021, 10:20

Through the parent portal, your parent will be able to login and click on the following tabs to see your progress and how much you have completed and how much you have left to do in each subject.

Today's work - If the parent clicks on the today's work tab, it will tell the parent what work their student completed for that day only.

The score tab - will tell you your grades, goals and progress and if they actually click on the subject it will tell you what step you are on, the status of that step whether it's complete, incomplete or in progress, the details, the time you worked on that lesson/assignment and the date and time.

The syllabus tab - If the parent clicks on the class there, it will tell the parent what step you are on and if the circle is green, that means you have completed that lesson.

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