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Acellus API for 3rd party apps

Chad Palmer's profile picture
Posts: 1

30 October 2021, 15:37


My two boys are 4th and 5th grade first year AA students.  I was auditing their progress yesterday to estimate their course completion dates and found myself looking for developer tools shortly after.  I’d love to put together an app that myself and other parents could use to keep their kids on track.  I’m familiar with Python and Node.js development and really just looking to put something together that I can send ‘get’ requests to retrieve total step count for any given course.  Alternatively, do you know where I could get total steps for any class offered without actually having to enroll in it?

Thank you,


01 November 2021, 10:43

Parents can monitor their student's progress through the interface to ensure they are progressing at the desired speed.

You can view how many lessons are within a course through your parent account. First, sign in through the Acellus app. Next, select your student's name and then go to the 'Syllabus' tab. Here you can see the total steps for each course your student is enrolled in. (Students can view this information through their accounts under the Progress tab.) Also, see the following link for more details: Monitoring Student Progress.

Doug Dobies's profile picture
Posts: 1

11 December 2022, 4:11

I understand that I can login to the App and navigate around to find my child's progress through the year, however, the App doesn't provide any forecasted course completion information. I'm not sure why this isn't baked into your App, so I'd like to re-ask Chad's question:


Is there an API that we can access, that we can use to create our own apps?


Yes or No please.


14 December 2022, 12:21

We do not have a program for this access feature. To get the complete course steps list, students must be enrolled in the program first.

However, parents are always welcome to view course overviews online. Here are the course overviews for reference:

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