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09 November 2021, 9:03
I was curious on what the monthly pay was because it says $80 a month but then it says $250 a month. If i were to enroll and in order to start school, can i pay the $80 a month?
09 November 2021, 10:40
The standard cost of our program is $249/month per student. We also offer the Roger Billings Scholarship Program that covers about 70% of tuition costs. This reduces the amount to $79/month per student: Roger Billings Scholarship.
09 November 2021, 17:03
So if i get the $80, Will my daughter be able to do online school? Like if it was the $250
10 November 2021, 8:42
Parents can enroll in our Academy under the Standard $249/month or Scholarship $79/month tuition rate. Regardless of which tuition rate the student(s) will be enrolled under, it will be for the same program.