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Portfolio Review
03 January 2022, 9:58
Power Homeschool offers optional worksheets and writing assignments called 'Special Lessons'. Some parents will use these worksheets as sample work when creating a portfolio.
In Power Homeschool, the 'Special Lessons' are completely optional and will not affect the overall class grade. Parent resources are provided with these lessons, including student handouts, lesson instructions, answer keys, and grading rubrics.
To preview and print the upcoming 'Special Lessons', parents can log into the parent interface and then click on their 'Syllabus' tab. Look for a briefcase icon as well as a 'teacher' button and a 'student' button. This is where the printouts are available.
Notifications for the Special Lessons will appear in the student's 'Special Lessons' tab when a new one is available. Once a student turns in a Special Lesson through the system, it will be marked Green and will no longer be included in the Special Lessons notification count.
To view the work uploaded for a Special Lesson, parents can click on their 'Special Lessons' tab and then locate the course and the lesson. Completed lessons will be marked with a green flag, and lessons needing to be completed will be marked with a blue flag.
Some Special Lessons will be graded by the system. These are "Writing Tutor" lessons. However, since the Special Lessons in Power Homeschool are optional, even grades given by the Writing Tutor will not affect the class grade in any way.