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How do I delete a student?

Sarah Gobeille's profile picture
Posts: 1

11 March 2022, 14:43

Somehow I have my son registered twice and I’m pretty sure I’ve been being charged for two accounts this school year. How do I get rid of the account he is not actually using?

14 March 2022, 10:44

Hello, Sarah!  Thank you for reaching out.

To cancel just one student, you can log into the parent account and click on 'Manage Account'. Next to your extra student's name it should say 'pause'. When you click this, it will deactivate just this one student. The other students on your account will remain active and your next payment will only be for the remaining students.

Here is a tutorial that might help: Pause/Cancel a Student 

If you believe you have paid twice for the same student, you are welcome to reach out to our support team directly so that someone can look into it for you.

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