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Special Lessons

Joseph Young's profile picture
Posts: 1

21 March 2022, 16:48

I am fairly new to Acellus Power Homeschool and so far my child is only working through one course (Algebra 1), but as far as I can tell the special lessons could use some major improvements!

Since I am having to manually grade the special lessons that my daughter completes, I would really like for there to be a way to manually enter the grade so that it shows up in the system.  Even if the special lessons remain optional (which I am fine with) and don't count toward the overall course grade, It would be nice to  be able to have all of those grades entered for my own records.


Also, as a secondary request, it would also be nice for the student (or even the parent) to be able to reset or "unsubmit" special lessons in order to make corrections or in the case that one was submitted by mistake.

Mary Dicken's profile picture
Posts: 18

05 April 2022, 0:10

You can also print certain special lessons and then just manually enter the grades into the system once she has completed the paper and turned it in to you. Then you won't have to worry about unsubmitting it.

Rachel Brown's profile picture
Posts: 1

02 May 2022, 13:44

How do you manually enter them?

02 May 2022, 14:26

Hello Rachel.  Thank you for the question.

There is not a way to input a grade manually or change the grade given by the Writing Tutor in the 'Special Lessons' tab.  Some parents will create their own report cards or homeschool transcripts so they can factor in grades for the Special Lessons into their student's final class grade.

The following links may be useful:

How to Write a Homeschool Progress Report

How to Create a Homeschool Transcript 


Please Note: In Power Homeschool, the Special Lessons are optional.  Only the 'Writing Tutor' lessons will show a grade in the system.  However, because Special Lessons are not required, even the Writing Tutor grades will not affect the final class grade in any way.


Carrie Venable's profile picture
Posts: 2

08 September 2022, 13:26

This is disappointing. I also agree. In a homeschool course, we should be able to manually enter in grades for special assignments and not have to make up an entirely different gradebook. It defeats the purpose of having an online course. The grade report online is entirely a waste for Power Homeschool. It will not be accurate if students do the special assignments. I should not have to print out a grade report from Acellus that says "here is a 93%" in the class, but in actuality, I am putting a "94%" on the transcript because all his assignments were different in my grade book. It's going to be a pain for justification of course grades. Thank goodness I don't live in a state that I don't have to report grades reports to.

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