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spelling test
Posts: 2
01 November 2022, 12:14
How do I enter a score for a spelling test that he has taken on paper by me ? It shows he still needs to complete that lesson but he is done with it.
thank you
Posts: 91
02 November 2022, 10:10
Hello Vikki,
That is a great question.
It sounds like you are referring to the special lessons portion of our program. In Power Homeschool, the Special Lessons are optional, and parent graded. Only the Writing Tutor lessons will show a grade in the system. However, because Special Lessons are not required, even the Writing Tutor grades will not affect the final score in any way. There is not a way to input a grade or change the Writing Tutor grades in the system, or any of the special lessons for that matter. Most parents keep that printed work in their homeschool records.
If you do have any further questions on this please do not hesitate to reach back out to us.
Have a wonderful day!
~PHS Team~
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