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student stuck in math - pre algebra

Janay Clark's profile picture
Posts: 1

09 January 2023, 7:42

My daughter should be in 9th grade math, but she's only passed english and science for 8th grade. She is still stuck on 8th grade pre algebra and hasn't progressed much. Don't you guys have a live chat she can ask questions and get help? What does a student do when they can't progress? She can't stay on pre algebra forever....

11 January 2023, 8:24

If a student is not prepared for the material, the Vectored Instruction feature of Acellus will automatically pull up lessons from earlier grade levels if the system determines that the student does not have the background information needed to understand a concept.
You are more than welcome to reach out to to ask about the MINUS mode for courses as well. This mode is an option to make a course less rigorous and challenging for a student. 
There is also a Help Tab in the student portal, which they have access to any help resources available to the course, such as a lesson manual, extra-help videos, and even a "Submit a Problem Fix". Problem fixes are reports sent to our Courseware Development Team for anything that you/the student believes needs to be fixed.
When necessary, your student can also message the teaching staff through their student interface by selecting the "Messages" tab. Our teaching staff will monitor the students and ensure they receive additional support when needed. Depending on the situation, this will vary. Struggling students may be presented with additional customized assistance through help videos, recovery steps, and more. We recommend that students reach out to the teaching staff as a last resort if they cannot get help from the previously presented resources.
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