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Akeyla Virgin's profile picture
Posts: 1

09 January 2023, 9:52


I see on the course syllabus/overview there is a Pre-Test listed in parent view, however I am not seeing that option in the student view. Is there a way to complete the Pre-Test and have my child skip the beginning portion of the lessons or only have the lessons needed based on her performance on the Pre-Test as we are starting mid-year and she knows everything that is being taught for the first half of the lessons. I don’t want her to waste her time going through lessons she has already mastered. Please advice.  

11 January 2023, 9:45

Pre-tests are an exam at the beginning of a course to ascertain what level your student is coming into a course. The pretest does not change the student's grades or what concepts they will be taught.

Students are welcome to skip the pretest problems if they want to move past the exam.

Terri Addison's profile picture
Posts: 1

11 January 2023, 20:45

My student decided that since it did not count for a grade that he would just mark every answer the same and go a 20 or 30 by luck on them.


Can I reset these and make him take them again?

20 January 2023, 8:58

The pretest does not change the student's grades or what concepts they will be taught.

Once students move past the pretest, we recommend they focus on the course assignments that follow, as these will affect their grades. 

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