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Skipping Courses

24 February 2023, 16:46

You CAN make changes and potentially skip ahead in courses IF you change from Teach to Tutor Mode. Skipping Ahead via Tutor Mode 

  • If you switch to Tutor mode can you change back to Teach mode later?
  • What happens to the courses if you switch back?
  • What happens to report cards and completion percentage?

This feature is particularly important for those starting classes mid-year! 
Other Parents and I have repeatedly asked in these Forums about how to skip our kids past areas they have already studied, either by allowing Students to "Test Out" or manually trying to determine where they should be based on their completed Pre-Test. There are also a great many other parents asking how to do this in the various groups for Acellus Parents, (on Facebook, reddit, etc). This should be an easy and streamlined process, and information on how to do this should be prominently included on the FAQ pages. Per my own review of these forums, it is most definitely FREQUENTLY ASKED!

Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of the ability to do this until today. Official Support (these forums and via Chat) has been completely contradictory, unsatisfactory, and ultimately insisted this was impossible! As these forums also lack the basic feature of searching posts by username and doesnt navigate to posts Ive previously made or commented on via my profile page, I had to sort through hundreds of posts individually before I was lucky enough to stumble on this. 

28 February 2023, 16:57

Power Homeschool tutoring has been acquired by  Any Power Homeschool students left in tutoring mode will be switched to teaching mode.  Parents wishing to continue tutoring services may do so by enrolling at


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