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Placement and using remedial courses

Lindsay Rhodes's profile picture
Posts: 1

16 May 2023, 11:16


  So we just started with Power Homeschool.   Also, both my daughters struggle in English as my oldest (8th) has auditory processing disorder and my youngest in 6th has dyslexia.  I was going to start my 8th grader in 

Are these appropriate starting places for their grades?  Also, where would they go after finishing these classes? Would my oldest be ready for high school English?  She has always tested at or right below her grade for English in other curriculum.  Any help on placement and how your remedial classes work as far as where they fit in with grade levels? 


Lastly, I have one daughter is starting pre algebra and another starting math 6 with teaching textbooks curriculum.  I have no clue where to put them in math for your curriculum.  Is there a placement test of any kind I can use so that I place them correctly? My daughters have not been taught math the common core way as they have been homeschooled since day 1.  Are your math courses taught common core style?  Thank you.


17 May 2023, 11:00

Hello, Lindsay.  Great questions!

The Basic Concepts courses are taught on an Elementary grade level.  For example, the Basic Language Arts/Reading Concepts II for Middle School would be on a 3rd grade level.  The Basic Language Arts/Reading Concepts I for Middle School is taught on a 2nd grade level.  If your student is only one grade level behind, you might consider the course that precedes their current grade level. This approach allows them to gradually work their way up to where they should be academically.

Since we allow parents to make changes to the courses for their students at any time, you are welcome to try different levels for each subject until you find the best fit for your student.  

It's worth noting that our courses incorporate a review section at the beginning. This review helps cover any material that students might not have fully mastered previously. Additionally, our system features advanced tools called "Vectored Instruction" and "Prism Diagnostics." These tools automatically detect if a student is struggling in a particular area and provide extra help precisely when it's needed. For more information on how these tools work, please refer to the links below.

While we don't offer placement exams in our program, most of our courses include a "Pre-test" that serves as a diagnostic tool. This pre-test can help you assess your student's understanding of the course material, ensuring they are placed at the appropriate level.  Additionally, we do not currently offer a Common Core version for our math courses.  

Here is a tutorial that might be helpful:
How can I adjust my student’s courses? 

For any specific questions, you are welcome to reach out to our support team directly: Contact Us


Prism Diagnostics® identifies specific deficiencies in students' understanding of core concepts and responds immediately with Customized Personal Instruction (CPI) videos for that precise deficit. The result is that every student receives personalized instruction – right at the moment when they need it most.

Vectored Instruction has changed the dynamic of online education. This technology is enabling students to master foundational skills they are missing that are prerequisites to success in their current course of study. Vectored Instruction fills in the gaps while keeping students within their credit-level course, enabling them to complete their coursework with passing grades and get on track for graduation.


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